
Advertising Inquiry

Advertising with Agri Journal allows you to reach a unique audience of interested consumers who are seeking information on sustainable energy.

We offer a multi-platform advertising approach to assist your company in delivering its marketing and brand messaging to our targeted audience. For rates and additional information, please request for our 2021 media kit.


Free magazine
『AGRI JOURNAL (アグリジャーナル)』

Agri Journal is a free magazine with a print base of 50,000 and free distribution channels all over Japan. We send free copies to local governments, farmers, JA cooperatives, farm tools retail stores and most of the agricultural related events.








vol.17 Autumn Issue/release on October, 2020
vol.18 Winter Issue/release on January, 2021
There are several ways to advertise with printed Agri Journal including Pure Advertisement, advertorial(article), and pure+advertorial.



Our exceptional design department can produce your ad, subject to your approval. Professional photography and logo design can also be arranged at a competitive cost for those who require it. If you already have one, just simply send us the data! Request our media kit for specs and rates.



Enhance your presence in the magazine with editorial product placement or a feature story. Contact us for more details!



Direct online traffic to your company’s website with a one-click link from a section sponsorship ad placed at the top of the page. Our website receives nearly 500,000 hits per month. Online readership is more diversified and so this is considered by many to be the best advertising method for appealing their company.
Options for digital advertising including web post, banner and E-newsletter.


■Agri Journal Online

Our website updates in a daily basis. Same content from the magazine can also be reposted online in order to further spreading your brand messages.


■Web banner

There are three banner positions available for online advertising. Request our media kit for specs and rates.



Our digital newsletter is emailed once a week with a full roster of our stories, plus upcoming events in both Japan and overseas.


Agri Expo Online

Agri Expo Online is now opened!

It is an online exhibition which allows companies to launch and introduce their new products virtually, participates can communicate with the exhibitors by live chat or arranging a zoom appointment.we also updates videos and contents every weeks.Click here to see more details!


Advertising Inquiry

Find us on Wechat!

If you are interested in bundling various advertising options – both digital and print together, for example – we are happy to work within your budget. Please contact sales@access-i.co.jp or fill out the form below.



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